Executive Board
The Executive Board oversees all MPLSS operations, inclusive of subsidiary organizations (Mock Trial, Moot Court, and the Undergraduate Law Review). Executive duties include equity and accountability; events; marketing; external partnerships; financial management and; other networking and informational programmes.
Our organization’s core mandate is to equip McGill’s undergraduate student body with community resources and experiential opportunities to have a stronger grasp on what lies ahead in their legal education journey. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse collective of members from all walks of life.

Jasmine Lam
Hi, I’m Jasmine, a U4 Honours Political Science and Art History student. As your Co-President, I work closely with and across our portfolios to deliver valuable initiatives, events, and opportunities for McGill’s young legal minds. Having been involved with the MPLSS since my first year, the most enriching part of my experience has been connecting with our (not so little) community; I look forward to growing and fostering our membership as this year progresses. We are always open to input and innovative ideas about how we can best serve you, if you have any questions please feel free to contact me!
Can be reached at mcgillprelaw@ssmu.ca

Yerin Kim

Aliyah Yagboyaju
Vice-President Internal
Hi! My name’s Aliyah, I’m a U3 student double majoring in political science and economics, from Brampton, Ontario! As the VP Internal this year, I’m responsible for managing the MPLSS social media platforms and all internal affairs, including communications with our membership. I’ve been involved in MPLSS since last year and have absolutely loved getting to meet people across disciplines. Looking forward to the rest of the year!
Can be reached at internal.mplss@gmail.com

Oscar Johnson
Vice-President Finance
Hi, I’m Oscar and I am a third year student from Brussels, Belgium. I double major in Economics and Political Science and I am minoring in Russian Language. I am happy to be part of the team, to be part of a group of like-minded people, and to oversee the MPLSS budget.
Can be reached at vpfinancemplss@gmail.com

Aishu Rajan
Vice-President External
Hi! My name is Aishu and I’m a U2 Honors Political Science student minoring in South Asian studies and Management. As VP External, I lead the MPLSS’s sponsorship activities and liase with external organizations. This is my third year as a member of MPLSS and it has been one of the highlights of my McGill experience. Please feel free to contact me with any sponsorship inquiries.

Jaden Macari
Vice-President Events
Hi! My name is Jaden and I’m VP Events. I’m a U3 student studying international development and communications studies. I’m responsible for overseeing all of Pre-Law’s events throughout the year.
Can be reached at mcgillprelawevents@gmail.com

Mia Palmer
Vice President Equity and Alumni Relations
Hi! My name is Mia and I’m a U1 student from Toronto, Ontario majoring in Sociology and double minoring in African Studies and Philosophy. As VP Equity and Alumni Relations I’m responsible for all equity related matters and run our annual Mentorship Program. Please feel free to contact me with any mentorship inquiries or equity-related concerns!
Can be reached at equityalumni.mplss@gmail.com

Annika Pavlin-Jamal
Editor-in-Chief, McGill Undergraduate Law Review
Hello! My name is Annika Pavlin-Jamal and I am a 4th year Honours International Development major with a minor in Cognitive Science. As the Editor-in-Chief of the Undergraduate Law Review, I oversee the editing and publication processes of selected law/policy-related articles for the annual McGill Undergraduate Law Review. Anyone, not only McGill students, can submit an article for publication!
Can be reached at mplsseditor.in.chief@gmail.com

Lily Molesky
Co-President, Moot Court
Hi! My name is Lily, I am in my fourth year studying International Development and Anthropology and I am one of the presidents of the Moot Court Team this year. Along with Theo, I oversee all the operations for the Moot Court Team. The Pre-Law Society and Moot Court have both been instrumental in my own pursuit of a legal career while at McGill, and I am thrilled to be playing a part in ensuring that same experience for others!
Can be reached at mplssmoot@gmail.com

Theo Tallala
Co-President, Moot Court
Hello! My name is Theo, I am a fourth-year Political Science and History student.
This year, I serve as one of the presidents of the Moot Court Team, working alongside Lily to manage our operations. My experience both as a member of the Moot Court Team and the Pre-law Students Society has been a major part of my time at McGill, offering excellent opportunities to meet like minded students as I work towards a career in law. I am excited to help ensure other students have this same experience!
Can be reached at mplssmoot@gmail.com

Alexandra Stuart
President, Mock Trial
Hi! My name is Alexandra, I’m a U3 student studying psychology, with minors in behavioral science and anthropology. As Mock Trial President I’m responsible for overseeing the club operations as a whole and I act as our representative on the Pre Law Executive Team. This is my forth year bring involved in MPLSS and Mock Trial and it’s been one of the best parts of my undergrad experience!